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Artificial Intelligence In the Innovation Process: Can AI-Generated Work Be Patented?

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Artificial Intelligence In the Innovation Process: Can AI-Generated Work Be Patented?

With the recent rise of generative artificial intelligence (AI) technology, it’s likely that AI systems will start playing a larger…

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Category: Most Recent

Should We Request Non-Publication of Our Patent Applications?

Should We Request Non-Publication of Our Patent Applications?

Tech companies can make smart, strategic decisions about whether to publish their patent applications.

When Can Prior Art Invalidate an Issued Patent?

When Can Prior Art Invalidate an Issued Patent?

If you’re working at a tech company, you’ve probably seen patents filed by your competitors and thought – that technology…

What’s the Difference Between a Patent and a Trade Secret?

What’s the Difference Between a Patent and a Trade Secret?

To succeed in a competitive landscape, tech companies have to understand their options for protecting intellectual property (IP). IP refers…

Marine and Hydrokinetic Energy: An Overview of the Patent Landscape

Marine and Hydrokinetic Energy: An Overview of the Patent Landscape

In our series on the patent landscapes for alternative energy sources, we’ve previously covered solar,…

Patent Infringement: How It’s Proven, And How This Should Influence Your Patent Filings

Patent Infringement: How It’s Proven, And How This Should Influence Your Patent Filings

As a patent owner, you have the legal right to exclude others from making, using, selling, or offering to sell…

Patent Assignment: How to Transfer Ownership of a Patent

Patent Assignment: How to Transfer Ownership of a Patent

This is the second in a two-part blog series on owning and transferring the rights to a patent. (Read…

Geothermal Energy: An Overview of the Patent Landscape

Geothermal Energy: An Overview of the Patent Landscape

In our previous blog posts about renewable energy, our team has covered wind, solar, carbon capture, and…

What’s the Difference Between a Patent, a Trademark, and a Copyright?

What’s the Difference Between a Patent, a Trademark, and a Copyright?

In a separate post, we discussed the difference between a patent and a trade secret. Since then, we’ve been asked…

What is Prior Art?

What is Prior Art?

If you’ve encountered patents, chances are you’ve heard the term “prior art.” It’s one of the most common reasons that…

Nuclear Fusion: An Overview of the Patent Landscape

Nuclear Fusion: An Overview of the Patent Landscape

We’ve previously discussed the growing need for alternative energy sources, starting with solar technology and wind technology. In…

Claim Strategies for Patent Applications: Can Your Patent Claims Ever Be Too Broad?

Claim Strategies for Patent Applications: Can Your Patent Claims Ever Be Too Broad?

This is the first in a two-part blog series on the scope of your patent application’s claim set. (Read …

How To Do a Prior Art Search Yourself

How To Do a Prior Art Search Yourself

Some patent attorneys tend to discourage inventors from doing a prior art search on their own. As the…

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