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Kove v. Amazon: Crafting an Intellectual Property Strategy for Cloud Computing Tech

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Kove v. Amazon: Crafting an Intellectual Property Strategy for Cloud Computing Tech

Patent infringement lawsuits in the U.S. culminate in a jury trial. So the effectiveness of a U.S. patent, and ultimately…

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Archive Year: Author: Ke Sun < RETURN TO INSIGHTS PAGE

Patent Strategies for Green Hydrogen Tech Amid USPTO Climate Change Program Expansion

Patent Strategies for Green Hydrogen Tech Amid USPTO Climate Change Program Expansion

Green hydrogen technology companies have just been offered a boost to protect their innovations with patents. The U.S. Patent and…

Patent Protection for Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage Technology

Patent Protection for Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage Technology

Tech companies who are developing carbon capture, utilization and storage technologies can take advantage of the USPTO’s new pilot program to accelerate their patent portfolios and gain an exclusive edge in this rapidly growing field.

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